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一般, people do not pride themselves on having a colorful criminal history, but a record of wrongdoing can be difficult to hide. Whether the charges were major or minor, whether they resulted in a conviction or a dismissal, none of that matters to most potential employers, 房东, 或债权人. Simply the existence of a criminal record is enough to make it much harder for that person to find a job, 租公寓, 或者申请贷款. 然而,从法律上讲,这是可能的 隐瞒收费. 这就是所谓的“删除”,” this civil proceeding concerning criminal matters essentially erases an arrest or conviction from someone’s record. 肯塔基州 law not only allows the charge to be hidden, it also stipulates that the person does not have to reveal the charge on an application. For example, if a job application asks “Have you ever been convicted of a crime?” a person who was granted an expungement can legitimately answer “No.”

Whether you have been arrested or convicted, if you have a criminal record, bet9九州体育登录线路 a 路易斯维尔刑事辩护律师 at 丘奇,兰登,洛普,巴内特·劳 to discuss your options. We understand what you’re going through, and we have helped hundreds of people who have been where you are now. Based in 新奥尔巴尼, 印第安纳州, we represent clients throughout Kentuckiana. We have the necessary knowledge to determine your eligibility, the experience to thoroughly review your situation, and the skill to guide you through the process. We are committed to assisting those people who have paid their debt to society and whose criminal past is unfairly holding them back from achieving a better future. Talk to us and find out how we can help you. 拨打812-725-8224或填写 我们的网上表格

Finding examples of famous expungement cases is a bit like finding gold at the end of a rainbow, since the point of expungement is to delete a criminal case’s history and make it seem as though it never existed. 记录被删除的人可以, 大多数情况下, treat the arrest or conviction as if it never occurred. However, not all charges can be expunged. 性犯罪, 联邦和州外指控, 对儿童犯下的罪行, and serious felonies are not eligible for expungement. Neither are charges for which the offender is still on probation, or those who are facing pending legal proceedings.

Current 肯塔基州 law provides that certain violations, 轻罪, and felonies are suitable for expungement 60 days after acquittal or dismissal. 违反, 轻罪, and low-level felony convictions qualify for expungement five years after the sentence is served or after probation is completed, 以晚到的为准.

Expungement in 肯塔基州 used to be limited to violations and 轻罪, but a 2016 law expanded the protections to include 61 Class D non-violent felonies. These incidents can be cleared from criminal records five years after sentence completion. Eligible offenses include possession of a controlled substance, 盗窃, 未能支付子女抚养费, 逼供的盗窃, 以及伪造处方. It should never be assumed, however, that expungement is inevitable or automatic. All expungements require the filing of court petitions seeking such relief. Each petition can address only one criminal case, 如果你有几个, a separate petition must be filed for each one.

如果你服过刑的话, 你被无罪释放了, 否则你的指控就会被撤销, it can seem unreasonable for you to be denied loans, 就业, or other privileges time and time again. There are certain mistakes that should not have to follow someone throughout their lives. If you feel as though you’re still being punished or being punished unfairly because of your criminal record, seeking expungement is a process worth your time. Navigate it successfully by securing the help of a lawyer.


肯塔基州的删除律师在 丘奇,兰登,洛普,巴内特·劳 要明白每个人都会犯错, but we believe that those bad choices should not prevent the opportunity for a fresh start. We have what it takes to ensure that clients get the effective representation that they deserve, starting with filing a properly drafted petition.

We also know how the 肯塔基州 criminal justice system operates and how to navigate the expungement maze. It is wise to speak with an attorney if you are considering expungement, because if your petition is denied or only partly granted, it cannot be refiled and you could be permanently barred from relief. 别冒这个险. To get more information and explore your options, bet9九州体育登录线路 丘奇,兰登,洛普,巴内特·劳 today by calling 812-725-8224 or by filling out 我们的网上表格. The initial consultation is free, so you have nothing to lose. Whatever the specifics of your case, we will be relentless in fighting for you.


Marc is a 肯塔基州 native, having lived and worked in the state the majority of his life. He is a licensed attorney in 肯塔基州 and 印第安纳州, 他的重点是试验工作, including civil litigation and criminal defense. He has represented a wide variety of clients, and he is committed to putting his clients’ needs first. [ 律师生物 ]


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